Meeting Guidelines

General Guidelines

These meeting guidelines were approved by the LAA International Business Meeting in 2021. You can adapt them to fit your meeting as per Tradition Four.

Crosstalk in Love Addicts Anonymous Meetings:
There is no crosstalk in LAA meetings. Crosstalk can be defined as giving advice, asking questions, referring to another person by name, directing comments to a specific individual, or commenting on what another person has shared. All of these things make it difficult for some of us to express our true feelings.

Group Safety:
LAA a not a dating club and there is no place for flirting, or any behavior that makes another member feel uncomfortable. If a member feels that they have been approached inappropriately or is negatively impacted by another’s behavior, for whatever reason, they should speak to a service member. If these principles are broken, the reputation of LAA, the unity of the group, and the well-being of individual members may be adversely affected and this is of great concern. For the good of LAA as a whole, anyone breaching these guidelines may be requested not to attend a particular meeting or meetings until their recovery is more advanced.

Sex Talk & Profanity:
Please be aware, that while we do encourage honesty and transparency in shares, if you do begin to share about sex-related topics in detail, or use excessive profanity, the host will issue a gentle reminder of redirection. If the share persists, you may be muted at the host’s discretion.

Other Shares:
We respectfully ask that if you are a member of another 12-step group, that you do not talk about that recovery program in detail while in this meeting. Our primary purpose is to offer help to recovering love addicts and codependents. Talk of other addictions only dilutes our primary purpose.

Chat Room:
The chat room is not to be used to express frustration or negativity. You may contact the host if you feel attacked by another member. The host has the option of removing someone from the meeting if this happens.

The After Hours Meeting:
This is an open forum that includes cross talk and the giving of advice. However, the other LAA Guidelines will be monitored. There is no room in this meeting for gossip or the venting of personal dissention between individual members in LAA. Not even in the chat room. The guidelines are read during the regular meeting and can be found on the message board.

Interested in Starting a New Meeting?

In order to add your meeting to the Meetings List, please:

  • Provide the Zoom login details and time. (Please try to avoid clashes with existing meetings).
  • Let us know if it has a specific name or theme (optional).
  • Hold the meeting on a regular basis or let us know if it will be postponed so we can note it on the list.
  • Be guided by the 12 Traditions of LAA.
  • Use a format agreed by your own business meeting/group conscience.

A sample meeting format is posted below that can be adapted and used in your meeting.
If you have any questions, let us know.
We are happy to have you with us.

Meeting Literature & Format

What literature you use for your meetings is up to the group you are hosting. We encourage you to vote on it at your first business meeting.