Step Study Meeting

Step Study Meeting

Sundays at 10:00 PT
check your local time here

Meeting Link
Meeting ID: 895 1971 5053
Passcode: 413263
90-minute meeting

Time Converters

Step Study Info

The Sunday Step Study Meeting started in January with Step 1 and we are studying a step a month until the end of the year. We hope to start again the following year.

The steps are sequential and most will be gained from the meeting by staying the course and attending regularly. We use the LAA Step Guide and supplement it with other resources helpful to understanding and working the steps, heavily drawing on members’ experience, strength and hope. We are not working the Steps as a group; however, we do dive deeper into the step work outside of the meeting. Some find a sponsor, decide to work together with another member or members, or co-sponsor each other, making connections through attending these meetings. 

We hope you will join us; at whatever stage of the journey you are on.