Please be assured that no particular ideology will be forced upon you. You can take what you need and leave the rest.
Love addiction comes in many forms. Some love addicts carry a torch for unavailable people. Some love addicts obsess when they fall in love. Some love addicts get addicted to the euphoric effects of romance. Others cannot let go of a toxic relationship even if they are unhappy, depressed, lonely, neglected or in danger. Some love addicts are codependent and others are narcissistic. What we all have in common is that we are powerless over our distorted thoughts, feelings and behavior when it comes to love, fantasies, and relationships. Still, there is hope. Through self-honesty, open-mindedness, willingness and the 12-steps of LAA, we can recover. We can grow and change in the sunlight of the spirit. Welcome to LAA. Welcome home!

Meeting Literature
Attention ODAAT meeting hosts! Any proposals to change a meeting theme must be brought to an ODAAT business meeting for group conscience discussion, voting, and adoption.
Individual Meeting Readings
Love Addiction Literature and Texts
Love Addicts Anonymous Basic Text
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This is the basic text of Love Addicts Anonymous. It includes the stories of our members in recovery. The following topics are covered: preamble, statement of purpose, welcome, typical kinds of love addicts, 40 questions, underlying issues, recovery, working the 12 Steps, meeting format, 12 Promises, 12 Steps, 12 Traditions, 12 spiritual steps, member stories, spirituality, progress, and a reading list.
The Basic Text was drafted and edited by the Literature Committee of LAA which included 40 members. It was then approved by the International Business Committee and published at cost.
Love Addicts Anonymous Step Workbook
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This is the official step guide of the group Love Addicts Anonymous. The 12-Step Guide was written by our members in
Russia and South Africa and then edited by members of the LAA literature committee. It was then published at cost.
Love Addicts Anonymous Reading List
The complete Love Addicts Anonymous Approved Reading List can be found here.
Other Helpful Resources
LAA Annotated Reading List
An annotated, non-approved reading list can be found here.
Recovery Workbook for Love Addicts and Love Avoidants
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This Recovery Workbook is meant to introduce people to the wonder of journaling, creating an inventory, and setting goals. While writing, things occur to us that may not have otherwise seeped up from our unconscious. Writing also reinforces what we have learned and acts as a benchmark affirming our progress. I have also chosen this opportunity to bring the reader’s attention to the Ambivalent Love Addict. In working with Love Addicts and Love Avoidants, I have yet to find someone who is not actually an Ambivalent Love Addict. Since 1990, I have used the term brighter tomorrow frequently in my work. It is the title of my company and my hope for you. While we live in the moment, and learn from the past, it is tomorrow that draws us forward. Be careful to be optimistic about the future. The glass is half full really. Tomorrow will be brighter. Stumbling blocks and setbacks are negligible compared to that.
Enjoy this workbook. Learn from this workbook. Keep it to measure your progress and feel good about yourself. It is a tool and device to help you move forward in incremental steps. Remember that writing is a living thing once you add your personal touch. So live and learn and write.
Addiction to Love: Overcoming Obsession and Dependency in Relationships
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Love addiction manifests in many forms, from fatal attraction-type obsessive lust to less extreme but nonetheless psychologically and emotionally harmful forms. The most common of these is staying in a bad relationship because of a fear of being alone: the “I hate you but don’t leave me” relationship. In Addiction to Love, recovering love addict Susan Peabody explains the variety of ways this disorder plays out, from the obsessively doting love addict to the addict who can’t disentangle from an unfulfilling, dead-end relationship.
The Art of Changing: Your Path to a Better Life
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Self-help author and teacher Susan Peabody has seen it happen over and over again: her students want to turn their lives around but can’t cope with the challenges on the road to change. In THE ART OF CHANGING, Peabody explains how to cross the bridge between the problem and the solution. She offers inspiration and direction on how to become willing, use the spirit, find motivation, find group support, and deal with stumbling blocks to change. Dreams can come true if we can learn the delicate ART OF CHANGING.
Facing Love Addiction: Giving Yourself the Power to Change the Way You Love
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In this revised and updated version of Facing Love Addiction, bestselling author of Facing Codependence and internationally recognized dependence and addiction authority Pia Mellody unravels the intricate dynamics of unhealthy love relationships and shows us how to let go of toxic love. Through twelve-step work, exercises, and journal-keeping, Facing Love Addiction compassionately and realistically outlines the recovery process for Love Addicts, and Mellody’s fresh perspective and clear methods work to comfort and motivate all those looking to establish and maintain healthy, happy relationships.
Surviving Withdrawal: The Break Up Workbook for Love Addicts
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Surviving Withdrawal is a recovery workbook for love addicts, anxiously attached, and for those obsessed over an ex or have love addiction tendencies experiencing relationship withdrawal caused by a breakup, divorce, relationship loss; or romantic relationship that is coming or is nearing an end.
While this workbook is not a cure or substitute for all aspects of treatment– it provides essential insights, tools, and strategies to help overcome and adjust to the acute discomfort of love withdrawal and obsession over an ex-partner.